Monday, 30 September 2019

Heat Wave Survival Tips: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

DALLAS, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – Up to this point, North Texans have enjoyed a fairly mild or near average summer, with only one day of 100º. But starting Wednesday, a stretch of triple digit heat with no rain in sight will make outdoor conditions miserable.

The hot days will build on each other, making it important for construction workers who have to do their work out in the heat to take precautions. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
The steady high level of humidity thanks to dew points will make it humid, too.

For workout fiends who insist on burning calories beneath the sun, again – hydrate! Medical professionals warn, if you stop sweating outside — it’s a very bad sign. Doctors say when you stop sweating, your body is no longer able to regulate its temperature, which could be the first sign of a heat stroke.
“It’s something you should seek medical therapy for immediately if you notice that you’re in the heat and stop sweating… and anyone who is confused or fatigued,”  Dr. Brad Sellers, Methodist Dallas ER medical director told CBS 11 News.
ER doctors said on average when temperatures reach above 100º, they normally treat at least three to five patients a day for heat-related illnesses.
(graphic credit: Getty Images)
And there are also effects the heat has on your car. What’s worse than breaking down on the side of the road in 100º plus weather?
Even those who have a cool place to stay should take precautions. Wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothing and limit all outdoor activity. Remember to check on elderly loved ones and neighbors who are vulnerable to heat-related illnesses and may not be aware of how hot it is in their homes. Check for children and pets when you get out of your car. Hot car deaths are a sad part of every summer. And remember to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate — lots of water.
Sodas, iced tea, coffee, and other drinks that contain caffeine are second best to good old-fashioned water when you’re trying to stay hydrated. (credit: Getty Images)

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